6 Ways Couples Can Really Help Each Other Sleep Well

sleeping couple

Being in relationship doesn’t mean that you only make love and go to sleep! A good relationship helps you grow emotionally as well as physically. But in today’s crazy schedules it’s difficult to get even a decent sleep every night. Wondering why I jumped from talking about relationship to sleep? An understanding partner can actually help you unwind and sleep better. Researches have shown that couples who don’t get enough sleep tend to argue a lot. So it’s not us saying this but science actually backs this one up. According to the national sleep foundation an average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night. And if you are not getting enough sleep, you might feel less close to your partner and even less secure in your relationship. Here we have listed few tips on how you and your partner can help each other to get better Zzzs.

  1. Have a fixed bedtime

Set a bedtime and stick to it, try and push each other to sleep early and get in the habit of going to bed together at a decent hour.

  1. Do something fun and relaxing

With an evening cup of tea a board game can be fun and relaxing, even reading a good book can also do the trick. It is advisable to skip watching TV and then go to sleep because it can be tiring for the eyes.

  1. Read to each other

It sounds quite old school but it can be quite romantic and unwinding at the same time. You can take turns reading poetry or a chapter out loud to each other. It can help you to have a calm and composed sleep.

  1. Make few bedroom rules

Make a contract which says no screens and mobiles in the bedroom or putting all the gadgets on silent. Though it can be difficult and impractical to keep phones out of bedroom but try and practice it. Also make a commitment to go to bed together.

  1. Have a night time ritual

You can do some breathing exercises before bed or give each other a good massage which can help to induce better and sound sleep.

  1. Talk to each other

Turn off all the gadgets and have a good, quiet conversation before bed. It’s always good to take interest in your partner’s life and listen to small little details; it can also help you to strengthen your relationship.

Read more at http://www.indiatimes.com/health/healthyliving/6-ways-couples-can-really-help-each-other-sleep-well-261318.html

Categories: LATEST NEWS
Haruna Magaji: Haruna Magaji is a journalist, foreign policy expert and closet musician. He is a graduate of ABU Zaria and a member of the Nigerian union of journalists. JSA, as he is fondly called, resides in Suleja, Abuja. email him at - harunamagaji@financialwatchngr.com


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