How to Make money Selling post utme past question – Nairabookstore is an online academic and book interface between authors, publishers, researchers and the readers, with easy to navigate website that gives flexibility to both authors and readers to Buy & Sell Books Online in Nigeria.
This platform has succeeded in matching academics with innovation, which falls in line with the 21st century growth for online studies.
Therefore, if you have access to post utme past question we are offering you the opportunity become our Post-UTME Past Questions Agent which will be rewarding you financially.
We are basically opening up our post utme past question Business, to enable us become more efficient in offering value to students. We’re therefore, willing to share our revenue in this business with other students, individuals, business owners and institutions, who are also passionate about helping students succeed.
If you have already compiled this type of material, and are selling it somewhere else, you’re welcome to also sell it on Nairabookstore.com for wider reach. You can always contact us for any clarifications, or to inquire if we already have a material before uploading yours. If you’ll need sometime to get or update your material, you can also let us know.
How the Programme Flows
- The agent will get up-to-date post utme past question for some or all faculties in any school.
- Agent will be required to upload a soft copy (in Word or PDF) of the material on nairabookstore.com
- The past questions will be reviewed by a nairabookstore Staff, and approved if all checks are passed.
- Nairabookstore will market the material. Once a sale is made and material is delivered, your nairabookstore account will be credited instantly.
- Agent can then sit back, and watches his/her revenue grow by the day.
Acceptable Format for post utme past question
We require only serious minded people who are ready to offer value to buyers. You will need to ensure your material is authentic, because we are doing this for candidates to ultimately have an insight on what to expect in their coming exam. They need to be aware of key information such as how many questions they should expect, the composition of the questions (whether it’s their core subjects or just general knowledge), the time given for each paper, etc. Once your material is well composed, we will approve it. Please don’t just download any material from the internet and send to us. It will be immediately disapproved.
The uploaded post utme past question MUST be arranged YEAR by YEAR. If it is not arranged YEAR by YEAR, we won’t accept it.
- The material must be complete for each year the Post-UTME was conducted in that school.
- Material can either be clearly scanned, typed or retyped.
- Material must be compiled for each faculty in the school. In cases where all faculties write the same questions, the material can be uploaded once, but stated in the title or introduction.
- Material can contain the time taken for each paper, or any other examination instructions. You can also talk about this while entering the introduction of the material.
- Nairabookstore reserves the right to reject, or immediately stop selling, any past questions material that does not meet the above stated format or conditions.
Sharing Formula
- We will sell each material at the cost of N1,000 flat (Per Faculty).
- 50% (N500) of each sale, goes to you.
- 30% (N300) goes to Nairabookstore,
- 20% (N200) goes to marketing and paying affiliates
This means if we sell 1000 copies for you, you will earn N500,000. Now think about the number of candidates writing post-UTME in that school.
How to upload your material
Here’s what you need to know about each step of the selling process.
Step one
Hover your mouse at user sign-in/sign-up button at the top right corner of the computer screen and click on register;
Step two:
After clicking on the “Register” button on step one, the page below will display;
Click on “I am a vendor” to register as a book seller
Step three:
Fill out the form displayed accordingly to set up your vendor account and then click on “Register”
Step four:
After clicking register, Login with your email and password if your are not automatically logged in, then click on “Product” from the menu in your vendor dashboard; click on “add new product” on the right corner of your dashboard;
Step five;
After clicking on “Add new product”, a form will pop-up –
- enter your product name (Title of post-utme questions)
- input your product price and your discounted price
- upload a cover image
- select category (Select the school you are uploading)
- select tags
- enter short description of your product
Then click on “create product” as highlighted above
Step six:
After clicking on “create product”, a another page will open with provision for more details on your product listing, first of all note the two highlighted buttons in the attached below:
If your product is a downloadable e-book check the button for “downloadable”, if you are selling a physical book, check for “virtual” ………
Step seven:
For your downloadable product click on “add files”, either a PDF of MS word – input the name of the file and upload. Specify the number of downloads a customer can have in a single purchase
Step eight:
Add a note which will be sent out as mail to customers after purchase, you can use the “purchase note” field on the form for that. Double check your listing is accurate and when you are satisfied with your product click on “save product” button. Wait for store managers to vet your listings and they will approve within few minutes if your product meets our requirement.
Ready to start your online bookstore? CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP
The above procedure also applies if you would like to upload and sell soft copies of project materials you have.
You can also monitor your pageviews and sales from the Transaction Log by clicking here
Getting your Money into your bank account
You can also monitor your pageviews and sales from the Transaction Log by clicking here
Getting your Money into your bank account
- Once you reach a threshold of N5000, and above, you can request for a payout, but first set up your bank account details:
- After payment account details has been submitted you can now go on with withdrawal request which usually enters your account within 48hrs.
Tips to scale our approval process
The major tip is to meet the acceptable format or conditions for the post utme past question stated earlier in this publication. Especially the issue of arranging the questions YEAR by YEAR. We do this to ensure candidates are totally satisfied, and that they get true value for the money they spent.
The other major tip is that approval will be on a first come, first served basis. The first person to meet all our criteria wins the bid. This simply means that even if you’re the first to post a material, once it does not meet any of our conditions above, we won’t publish it for sale.
We would rather not sell at all, than to sell inappropriate materials. Remember also that we reserve the right to stop selling your material at anytime, if we discover any foul play.
The earlier you compile and upload your material, the earlier we start marketing and selling for you.
Any Issues?
If you have any suggestions, observations or concerns about this programme, you can call our dedicated helpline for you, between 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday (Excluding Holidays). You can Call or Whatsapp: 08141171945 or send an email to info@nairabookstore.com.