Nigerian lady advertised for sale on Facebook rescued

Nigerian lady advertised for sale on Facebook rescued

Nigerian lady advertised for sale on Facebook rescued – The Nigerian lady, Busari Peace, who was put up for sale online by a Lebanese man, Wael Jerro, fpr $1,000 has been rescued.

The Lebanese man had taken to a Facebook Marketplace group to post advert of the lady, whom he claimed was his maid and he intends to dispose her for $1000. Jerro has since been arrested.

Chairman of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has now shared an update on Twitter, stating that Busari Peace is currently at the Nigerian High Commission in Beirut. She wrote;

”Update on Nigerian girl put up for sale by a Lebanese, Wael Jerro on Facebook.

She has been rescued and safely with officials of the Nigerian Mission in Beirut. More updates later.”

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Sam Gabriel: Samson Gabriel a graduate of mass communication from Auchi Polytechnic, he is a passionate writer with experience in radio scrip writing. He brings his experience from the broadcast media into play here as he continues to enjoy his passion as a journalist. He can be contacted via whats-app on: +234701105670


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