Nnamdi Kanu: Biafra to supply free oil to West African neighbours

Nnamdi kanu

  • Promises political asylum for persecuted Northern Christians

Nnamdi Kanu: Biafra to supply free oil to West African neighbours – Leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has promised to supply free gas and oil to West African countries including Nigeria when the Republic of Biafran is eventually realised.

Kanu also pledged that persecuted Northern Christian communities would be granted political asylum in Biafra to save them from genocidal attack by terrorists.

Kanu who made the pledges in a live broadcast said that the struggle for the independence of Biafra was not borne out of greed to control oil money contrary to insinuations in some quarters.

The IPOB Leader rather explained that the quest for Biafra autonomy was borne out of the desire to liberate the entire black race from subjugation and neocolonialism.

Read also: I will lay down my life to achieve Biafra – Nnamdi Kanu

According to a statement later by IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary Emma Powerful, the freedom of Biafra means freedom of the black race.

The statement assured persecuted indigenous communities of their safety and protection under Independent Biafran.

It read in part:

” We want to inform Christian communities in Northern Nigeria that they have nothing to worry about in a disintegrated Nigeria. Our leader made this solemn pledge during his live broadcast on March 8, 2021, during which he also assured them that they will be granted automatic settlement rights in the new Biafra when Nigeria finally implodes as every other failed state before it has done.

“Biafra will not allow Northern Christians who are currently at the mercy of marauding terrorists to be roasted by those eager to decimate indigenous communities of Northern Nigeria.

“Our leader has assured them under divine oath that any Northern Christian willing to live in Biafra land can come and settle. Northern Christians shall be granted political asylum in Nigeria to pursue their legitimate careers.

“He equally promised to give free oil and gas to Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Ivory Coast, the Gambia and other countries in West Africa and Africa at large.

“This is to prove to them that the agitation for Biafra autonomy is not driven by the quest to control oil money. Rather our struggle for self-rule is borne out of our desire to set the entire black race free from subjugation.

“Biafra wants to have neighbours that are free and peaceful so they can also benefit from our prosperity and enterprise.

“The independence of Biafran is the beginning of freedom for the black race! An independent Biafra will defend Indigenous communities in Nigeria against Fulanisation and attack by terrorists.”

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Categories: LATEST NEWS
Sam Gabriel: Samson Gabriel a graduate of mass communication from Auchi Polytechnic, he is a passionate writer with experience in radio scrip writing. He brings his experience from the broadcast media into play here as he continues to enjoy his passion as a journalist. He can be contacted via whats-app on: +234701105670


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