How To Pay For National Open University Of Nigeria NOUN IT/Siwes Log Book – Here are the steps you need to take if you want to pay for NOUN Log Book:
- Visit
- Click on “Pay Federal Government Agency”
- In the box titled “Name Of MDA“, type National Open University (before you complete typing, the system will aid you in completing the remaining part of the name. Please select the system’s suggestion as it also carries a numerical code along with it after the name. The code is the identity of NOUN on the remitaplatform)
- Under “Name of Service/Purpose” click the drop-down button and select “Choose tender fee or miscellaneous“.
- Under “Description of payment“, type “IT/SIWES LOG BOOK”
- Skip the box titled “Amount To Pay” and go down to the lower tab which consists of the list of other payments in NOUN. In this area, please check (mark) the box which bears the title “IT SIWES“.
- Directly opposite the IT SIWES title, you will find a box containing Unit Price as 0.00 just edit the unit price by typing in 1000.00 (without a comma). Automatically, the earlier skipped tab titled “Amount To Pay” will update itself to N1,000.00
- Go to the lower tab and fill in your Full Name
- Fill in your Email
- Fill in your phone number. When filling your phone number, the moment you click on the box, +234 is already there. All you need to do is to fill the remaining part of your phone number without typing the first “0”. E.g. if your phone number is 08089896529, just type 8089896529 so that it looks like +2348089896529. The first zero is the same as +234

NOTE: The above information is suggested to be filled with the same information on your NOUN portal.
- Fill in the characters supplied in the image for authentification/confirmation of your transaction, in the box provided below the image.
- Click on “Proceed To Payment“.
- The next page will give you several payment options. It is best adviced to pay at the bank instead of using online payment options. This is because you have to present the teller at the school. Just copy your remita (RRR) code from there and proceed to pay at the bank with the code.
- Visit any commercial bank to make your payment.
- On the teller, at the top edge side, write “IT/SIWES” followed by your remita code
- On the Depositor’s name, type your own name (the person who is applying for the IT Logbook)
- On the Account name, write National Open University of Nigeria(or simply NOUN)
- Fill other required information such as date, amount in words, etc. (There is no need to fill the account number).
- Wait to collect the printout of the payment receipt at the bank.
- Make a photocopy of your course registration slip (containing IT/SIWES as a registered course), the payment receipt collected from the bank, and the teller, and take to the school (with the original copies for sighting), to collect your Log Book.