National Open University of Nigeria School Fees: full breakdown of NOUN fees: School Fees are paid per semester in National Open University of Nigeria, below are the current fees schedule for students, if you are considering enrolling for a program at NOUN, read how to apply here!
Fees Schedule for Undergraduate, Post-Graduate, and Masters:
New Students First Semester(Degree, PGD, and Masters).
Payment Fees ———– Amount (Naira)
Registration Fees ——– 6,000.00
Caution Deposit ———— 3,500.00
Orientation Fees ————1,500.00
Matriculation Fees ———1,500.00
I.D. Card ————————- 500.00
Library Fees ——————- 3,000.00
ICT Administrative ——— 5.000.00
E-Facilitation ——————- 4,000.00
Jamb Regularization ——- 6,000.00
Result/ Verification ———- 5,000.00
Total compulsory Fees —– 36,000.00
Returning Students subsequent semesters : (Degree, PGD, and Masters).
Payment Fees ————— Amount (Naira)
Registration Fees ———– 6,000.00
Library Fees ——————– 3,000.00
ICT Administrative ———- 5,000.00
E-Facilitation ——————- 4,000.00
Total compulsory Fees — 18,000.00

Course Registrations Fee
In NOUN students are required to pay for their course and exam registrations.
Simply put, courses are like subjects u are required to take in each semester and they comprise 2 and 3 credit units. Some practicals in the science department are 1 unit while some law courses carry 4 credit units.
Their cost are as are as follows:
Credits Units ———- Price Per Course
One unit ———————N1,000
Two units ——————- N2,000
Three units —————- N2,500
Four units ——————-N3,000
Exam Fees per Course
Undergraduates: ————– N1,000.00
PGD and Masters: ————- N2,000.00
Project Fees
Undergraduates: —————– N15,000.00
Post-Graduate Diploma: —– N25,000.00
Masters: —————————— N40,000.00
As a new undergraduate student, you are likely to spend around N70,000 in your first semester depending on the number of courses you are required to register. The N70,000 mentioned however include : the compulsory, course, and exam fees. As for post graduate and masters it will be a little bit higher because of the difference in the exam fees.
Your fees will keep reducing in subsequent semesters because of the slash in the compulsory fees and reduction in the numbers of courses you will be registering.
Fees Schedule for PhD. students:
Application form ——————- 20,000
Registration fee per annum — 150,000
Course Registration Fee ——–10,000 (per course)
Laboratory Access Fee ———- 20,000
I.D. Card ——————————— 2,500
Library Fees ————————– 10,000
ICT Administrative Charges —10,000
E-Facilitation ————————– 6,000
Examination Fee ——————– 3,000 (per course)
Re-sit Examination fee ———– 4,000 (per course)

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