Jaiz Bank’s net profit rises to N2b in first half of 2021

The bank’s consistent growth in earnings is a reassurance to all stakeholders and the investing public

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Jaiz Bank’s net profit rises to N2b in first half of 2021 – Nigeria’s premier non-interest bank, Jaiz Bank Plc recorded impressive growth in profitability in the first half as increasing corporate efficiency nudged the margins, placing the bank on a good stead to surpass its full-year projections.

Interim report and accounts of Jaiz Bank for the half-year ended June 30 2021 showed that profit after tax rose by 70.6 per cent from N1.17 billion in June 2020 to N1.99 billion in June 2021. Total Income had grown by 42.1 per cent from N6.23 billion in first half 2020 to N8.86 billion in first half 2021.

Managing Director, Jaiz Bank Plc, Hassan Usman said that the bank’s consistent growth in earnings is a reassurance to all stakeholders and the investing public, while it reinforces the status of the bank as the pioneer and leading non-interest bank in Nigeria.

He assured that the bank is determined to maintain the remarkable earnings growth for the rest of the year by leveraging on technology and the expansion of its retail banking portfolio.

The first half performance places the bank in good stead to surpass its full-year projections for 2021. Jaiz Bank had in a five-year projection made available earlier to the investing public forecasted that it would grow its income and profitability consecutively over the five-year period, with pre-tax profit for the period expected to be about N15.86 billion.

The management of the bank had outlined the five-year growth plan of the pioneer non-interest bank, with an assurance that it would sustain year-on-year growth over five-year period.

Usman had explained that the overall vision of the bank was to become the leading non-interest financial institution in Sub Saharan Africa.

He said the bank has been positioned to sustain its growth trajectory, pointing out that the bank has the necessary resources to achieve its growth targets.

According to the five-year financial forecast, total income was expected to be about N81.17 billion while profit after tax was projected at N11.09 billion for the five-year period. Gross income was expected to rise to N10.07 billion in 2018 and subsequently to N12.59 billion, N15.73 billion, N19.27 billion and N23.51 billion in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Profit before tax was projected to rise to N1.33 billion in 2018 and grow consecutively to N2.03 billion, N3.01 billion, N4.03 billion and N5.47 billion in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively. After taxes, net profit would rise to N927 million in 2018 and grow further to N1.42 billion in 2019. Profit after tax was projected to jump to N2.11 billion in 2020 and rise consecutively to N2.82 billion and N3.83 billion in 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Balance sheet of the bank was also expected to increase over the years. Total assets was projected at N123.61 billion in 2018 and subsequently to N150.5 billion, N182.6 billion, N220.02 billion and N262.80 billion in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively. Deposit was projected to rise consecutively to N88.55 billion, N113.34 billion, N142.81 billion, N177.09 billion and N216.05 billion in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively. Shareholders’ fund was projected to rise to N28.6 billion in 2018 and grow consecutively to peak at N35.23 billion by 2022.

Shareholders’ return was also expected to grow over the years. Return on equity was expected to firm up to 4.39 per cent in 2018 and improve consecutively to 4.87 per cent, 6.92 per cent, 8.79 per cent and 11.22 per cent in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Categories: BANKING
Tags: CBNJaiz Bank
Tosan Olajide:


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